Thursday, April 04, 2019

A Garden Blossoms In Heart~

Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor

Winter days are gone…
All that’s left are margins of
   the season packed and gone.
A new season will crawl back,
I know, change will happen … But,
My heart is sore, I can write no more!
When I write, my head hangs up a strange barricade
More a veil than a barricade, I guess.
‘What life is this I lead?’, I ask myself.

I feel claustrophobic.
I step outside, see a pond full of hyacinths
The green shoots have just broken
     through the winter clods of earth.
The leaves shiver as I pass by…
I bend down, touch the curls and it
  Feels lovely flirting with them in all seriousness.
The little pond soon draws me into its orbit…. And then,
 I see the yellow blossoms flaunting back.
Ah…the heart can now feel the touch of spring!

And, this serves the ‘muse’………..
The words start beating,
I remain focused like a shooter.
Poetry is in the heart...
We need to feel the energies; deploy 
the finer attributes of the mind to write poetry.

Written for Susan's PU...Writing poems!


  1. Nature does seem to stimulate the poetic muse. But it is important to "remain focused like a shooter." I can relate to this lovely poem, as I wait for those energies to deploy the finer attributes of my mind.
    Great writing Panchali.

  2. "The little pond soon draws me into its orbit…"
    I love how you let us see the transformation. This is brilliant!

  3. Nature is a wonderful inspiration to poetry and the heart. This poem captures that beautifully!!

  4. Oh those yellow flowers are such beauties! The heart cannot resist, and only a poem can pay them proper homage.

  5. Whatever the season wherever we are there are always scennes to feed our imagination when writing poetry; none more so than nature as keeps showing us different faces to inspire us.

  6. Intriguing, this flirt of the poet
    "Feels lovely flirting with them in all seriousness."

    much love...

  7. Beautiful!!❤️ Poetry indeed resides in our hearts .. we just need to open the door and let it out.

  8. Thanks everyone for your words of appreciation..means a lot to me.


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