Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Snake Skin~

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We all grapple
   with bittersweet memories,
they strike us inside the guts
And keep us snake-wrapped unwittingly,
Till one day,
     we see the eyes of the python.
Oops-a-daisy… it is blind!
Quickly, we tuck the insipid skin
  with the skeletons of the cupboard,
Get off another floating log...
  And slowly, erase the footprints
of the demon serpentine!
Thank goodness.
In the limitless black- a few logs float,
And give a fantastic refuge!
Letting go, flowing more,
     also saves the pate of the ego
The days feel good- ah, all’s well!
Laughter returns.

I’ve done a lot of stripping.
Peeling away layers and layers of the ego
   —all the accumulated ‘bittersweet’ stuff.
It’s been liberating;
The whole external world becomes less shaky
In between, the rope and the noose!


  1. In one of the Narnia tales by Lewis, a character (Eustice?) becomes a dragon and he is told the only way to become a boy again is to shed his skin. He does but only shallowly. The lion tells him that he will help, and tears into him layer after layer to get to the boy.

    Some times we have to shed deeper - to truly find that liberation.

  2. Love your use of snakeskin and shedding, water that shelters, and the return of laughter. I, too, have "done a lot of stripping." Your poem is warm and hospitable!

  3. I know what you're saying Panchali. The ego has to be released to live a fruitful, happy life. Thanks!

  4. ..."between the rope and the noose" ... what a wonderful phrase. Much to savor in your beautiful poem!

  5. I love this! Especially your closing lines. We spend our early years layering, and our later years uncover our true essence.

  6. Panachali,

    I agree with Sherry..all those early years of layering..then,shedding..I wish I cou;d have been stronger in responses years ago..instead of letting bitterness, I take no excuses..But respond timely and as my heart dictates..

  7. Luv your metaphor of stripping away and the image of the snake skin. Your ideas resonate throughout. A very wholesome write; Panchali


  8. Brilliant imagery of snakeskin & stripping to reach the essence.

  9. Yes one must live in the moment...toss all the baggage.Shedding the snake skin is a great metaphor.

  10. Ah, those bittersweet memories we all have....good to give oneself permission to put some memories in the past and realize that was then...and to live in the now without the pain of the past haunting us.

  11. I’ve done a lot of stripping.
    Peeling away layers and layers of the ego
    —all the accumulated ‘bittersweet’ stuff.

    Such deep emotion in these lines.. Beautifully penned!


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