Thursday, August 31, 2017

Prussian Blue Moon~

Image result for prussian blue moon on window sill

 Every night, the blue moon slides
   on my windowsill
shedding a bit of herself on me and smile;
It invades my sleep.
I’ve long sentenced my conscience
 To an absolute exile-
Doomed I am….
  into the gallows of oblivion. Today,
Bordering on insanity, my mind
   grazes almost mechanically
 on unknown and mysterious pastures.

Oh, I am full of amnesia!
A lost identity- though
   scrupulously honest to myself,
but the world cares not,
neither forgets, nor forgives me.
I understand, the past is real…and I lived it.
But its gone today… yet somehow!
The generosity of the Prussian blue moon- 
Crossing from one side to the other-
still captivates me. 
I adore the beams
when they come all the way
to be with me!

...and people call me lunatic, senile…
Oh, love me, respect me as I am…I pray.

Patients with amnesia can feel emotions, despite memory loss. Routine neglect from family, friends may leave the amnesic patients feeling sad, frustrated and lonely even though they can't remember why! So treat them with respect and dignity!!



  1. It would be enough, I think, to share the moon with this person, even if I go home and cry about all that is lost. Such an active mind, such an awareness of what is happening. Thank you!

  2. I remember reading somewhere, where it was said that the Dalai Lama was quoted as saying that "his religion is kindness" I just can't help but Luv that. And see in your poem it's reflection

    Have a nice Wednesday Panchali

    Much love...

  3. I adore that Prussian blue moon! And I resonate with amnesiacs as I have no short term memory at all and my family mocks me for it..........I laugh it off, but still, it would be nice if they didnt.

  4. You have captured it marvelously in the flow of the words. Thank you.

  5. Beautiful, moving and sad If we only could all be respected with all that we are. Thanks

  6. So beautiful and heartbreaking. One could feel the longing of the speaker for companions. Love the Prussian blue moon.
    Btw today's prompt was prepared by Susan, Panchali di.

  7. Beautiful...yes, everybody deserves respect....we may never know fully what others are going through....!

  8. Very sad but true. The symptoms and even the condition can be greatly improved with intensive and caring one on one communication . The family and friends usually do not have the time or are prepared to make the time as it requires a good deal of self sacrifice. It is indeed fortunate for those few who are fortunate enough to have these people in their lives.Considerable improvement in memory can take place in the first 12 to 18 months.

  9. We are all so different just why do we want to change people? I love meeting people who are different, think differently and they are of course interesting as I hope they find me. Everybody is worthwhile even if they have amnesia and need sympathy and encouragement.

  10. So true, let love be there for all.

  11. An interesting and thought provoking poem, thank you for sharing it with us.

  12. This is heartrending and beautifull written. Hugs.

  13. It is good to be made aware. Thank you.


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