Wednesday, September 30, 2015


"Love is healing."-Telling me!

The squabbles and fights happen
In the ordinariness of ‘living’
The ‘fizz’ goes down at times,
Not every day can be aerated!
The story gets told many times over…

I rant and rage at my erring husband
A tear falls
An ache twists
An unease slides along the innards
I moan   lament   grumble  sigh!
Does he hear me sigh?

I wait for hours
before I let him come close…
I think about a world 
          without a loving husband and I cringe.
He's the anchor of my life--
Only in his arms my seasons sprout
the leaves fall; things happen
.....the mists of old age gently rise. 
Touch wood!

O my heart!
….so what, if his heartbeat seems calmer today
so what, if the eagerness looks diminished now
People in love do behave differently
Pleasure of getting upset is there
Only if….someone cares, persuades…

Tears leave no marks
Sometimes just cover the face
Pecking, picking, quarrelling…
Are all part of marriage game.
Disagreement and love
                within the hearts are legitimate
They help healing...balance harmony in life
So, let us

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


The mind swings all the time
       To hold a little authority over us
More often,
         It’s a ‘restless search’ ...
That swings like a ‘swing’ within…
   I don’t know from where the ropes descend
         But it makes me sit on a plank and swing:
Forward and back, up and down
             Forward and back, up and down
    Eventually, the oscillation slows down,
I am lowered     very gently
    -the invisible ‘ropes’ are pulled away
Separation is the rule;
Good or bad….I make a choice
It’s that simple, almost.
The rest is chance
likely to

Monday, September 14, 2015

Indibloggers In City Of Joy!

Berger Express Painting IndiBlogger Meet
A Painting Revolution indeed...

For a discerning Calcuttan, especially of my vintage, the name 'Esplanade' conjures up numerous images. Confluence of North and South, this is "where Ochterlony's Column, proudly rears its melon to the still astonished spheres"... ’Ochterlony’ has since changed into a ‘martyr’, my girlhood fantasy ‘Firpo” has vanished but one thing that holds on is the sublime Grand Hotel!!  For the Indiblogger meet, probably any other meeting venue wouldn't have been this grand!
It was an excellent evening in company of talented writers and bloggers (melange of ‘Hi! Nice to meet you’, ‘Hello! Long-time no see’ et al); the bonhomie was palpable. Since, the meeting was perfectly structured and organized with ample dose of celebral (but not without fun)...hence, there was not a single moment of boredom. 

Thank you BergerXP
Wuhoooo...I could see my name/tweet up there!

The event began with atmospheric singing screaming ‘ich will’ ….'Hell yeah'... Anoop and his band-mates almost transported me to the lavish era of the Jazz Age and to the uninhibited Roaring Twenties! It was a riveting evening held in association with Berger Paints India. 

After the interactive session was over, Berger introduced us to their hassle free, cutting edge technology of Express painting equipment and gadgets…. Enthusiasts were aplenty trying hands on. The activities were engaging, illuminating, easy and fun, so even an oldie like me could participate and never felt stressful. As a home-maker, I really liked the Sanding machine that helps to keep homes dust-free. A wonderful experience got hard-coded into my mind. 

To a 56years young (a Bong would remonstrate: why you have to be one of those ‘calves with your horns removed’- singh bhengey bachurer doley?) Times have changed; older people are now refusing to sink from the sight of “false gaze” … The world now lives and breathes on line. I live my life by a simple code. As we get older, it’s important to have a signature style that is modern, engaging and by the way, you may consider this as an anti-ageing tip. LOL…Frankly, growing old for me needs no expensive cosmetics. Neutrogena liquid soap, Oil of Olay or sunscreen, or jojoba or coconut oil…it just needs a Plus attitude! Truth be told….I’ll be happy to age, as long as my young ‘bachurs’ (calves) keep interacting with me- awwww, I hate being a typecast oldie! But, I also hate it when people call me an 'attention seeker'...:P :P :P

Interactive session on with Anoop

Few busy talking...
The board that had to be scrubbed.... work hand in glove :-)
My Team...

Yeah, it was a vibrant Saturday! We had a grand celebration of colours ritualized in collective spirit with the bloggers from all over Kolkata, courtesy #IndiBlogger and #bergerxp team. Meeting the energetic Indi Team for the second time was a treat again. How I loved the lovely smile on their faces. Thank you, Renie, Vineet, Kartik, Anoop, Nihal, Saurabh, Swati and others for hosting us with so much care. Ah… 'City of Joy' truly lived up to its name.... it did make everyone smile, sing and dine in merriment. [The exotic food, of course, deserves a separate feature on my blog!]

Thank you,  Ghazala, Purba, Maniparna, Sayantini, Swarnali, Rajtilak for tagging those beautiful pictures on my facebook timeline. It was indeed lovely meeting you all in person. I just love these pretty girls posing with me. :D 

With beautiful Ghazala n Sayantini...

Posing with my favourite poets Maniparna, Purba and Swarnali- See you all again. Hopefully!...

Kudos to all the teams!

Aww…I have come to the end of the post but my experience at the second meet will be everlasting! Thank you, #bergerxP and IB for allowing us to create wonderful memories. Can’t wait for the next event to happen again in Kolkata….kolkata…Kolkata…. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Port Of Boredom~

We choose our conditions...
there's a continual shifting
from the 'conscious' to the 'unconscious'
and then back again...
It's hard to stand firm in the middle

Boredom-the sorrowful apparition,
 Becomes one's own collapsing axis
  A lone thrombi....that clots unavoidably!
The monotonous grind
   -Of making beds, dusting, cleaning, cooking, reading
   warps a little (so to speak); plays so in us
    ...makes one bored to death

Me not realizing the reason
         of this gnawing feeling…
Often times, my brain also goes dizzy…
    stumbles and falls easily
Ah, these are the dull days .... 
When I can't smoothen my wrinkles of stress
I sit alone, twisted
Sipping my lonely cup of Darjeeling tea.